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CR 17/2014 Information on dividend


Information on dividend


Current report no.: 17/2014
Date: 23.06.2014



The Management Board of LPP SA with its registered office in Gdańsk announces that on 23 June 2014 the Annual General Meeting adopted resolution no. 19 on the distribution of profit for the financial year 2013, under which the net profit generated by the Company in the financial year 2013 in the amount of PLN 394,575,034.73 (three hundred ninety four million five hundred seventy five thousand thirty four zloty 73/100) was allocated as follows:
the amount of PLN 169,616,772.00 (one hundred sixty nine million six hundred sixteen thousand seven hundred and seventy two zloty) was distributed among Shareholders as dividends;
the amount of PLN 223,708,262.73 (two hundred twenty three million seven hundred eight thousand two hundred and sixty two zloty 73/100) was allocated to the supplementary capital of the Company;
the amount of PLN 1,250,000.00 (one million two hundred and fifty thousand zloty) was excluded from being distributed among Shareholders and was transferred the reserves of the Company.
The Annual General Meeting set 5 September 2014 as the date of drawing up the list of Shareholders entitled to dividends for the financial year 2013 (dividend date), and 25 September 2014 as the dividend payment date.
As at the date of the resolution: one share of LPP S.A. accounts for the dividend of PLN 93.73, the number of LPP S.A. shares entitled to dividend is 1,809,725.
At the same time, the Management Board of LPP SA indicates that under Resolutions No. 21 and 22 of the AGM of 27 June 2011, the Company issued 21,300 Warrants issued in exchange for which the Eligible Persons shall have the right to purchase L Series Shares. With effect from 1 January 2014, the above right may be exercised at the request of the Eligible Persons in respect of 17,819 Warrants. Additionally, in accordance with Resolutions No. 23 and 24 of the AGM of 14 June 2013, the Eligible Persons may purchase 2,420 treasury shares held by the Company. Where both of the above-mentioned rights are exercised on or before 5 September 2014, the number of shares entitled to participate in the dividend shall amount to 1,829,964, and the dividend amount per share – PLN 92.69.