CR 11/2017 Announcement on registration of the share capital by the court
Announcement on registration of the share capital by the court
Current report no.: 11/2017
Date: 28.02.2017; 12:54
The Management Board of LPP SA with its registered office in Gdańsk (hereinafter: the “Issuer”) announces that today it has received information on an entry to the Register of Businesses kept in the system of the National Court Register made by the District Court Gdańsk – Północ in Gdańsk, by way of a decision of 14 February 2017, regarding a change to the share capital.
The newly – revealed amount of the share capital is PLN 3,678,582 (three million six hundred and seventy eight thousand five hundred and eighty two zlotys).
The registration of the change to the share capital is a result of changing 4,084 series A subscription warrants into the same number of series L shares in the share capital of LPP SA, which was the topic of current report no. 50/2016 of 21 October 2016.
As a result of the change, the Issuer’s share capital revealed in the register is divided into: 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) registered shares and 1,489,291 (one million four hundred and eighty nine thousand two hundred and ninety one) bearershares.
The total number of votes at the general meeting is 3,220,313* (three million two hundred and twenty thousand three hundred and thirteen).
The new L series shares constitute 0.2% (two-tenths of one percent) of the Issuer’s share capital and 0.1% (one-tenth of one percent) of the total number of votes at the Issuer’s general meeting.
*The Company has also 18 978 equity shares giving no voting rights and, therefore, votes attached to those shares have not been included in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders).