CR 15/2018 – Selected preliminary consolidated financial data of LPP Capital Group for the second quarter and first half of 2018
Selected preliminary consolidated financial data of LPP Capital Group for the second quarter and first half of 2018
Current report no.: 15/2018
Date: 02.07.2018;
Time: 17.15
The Management Board of LPP SA hereby announces selected preliminary consolidated financial data of LPP SA Capital Group.
1) for the second quarter of 2018:
• Sales revenues: PLN 2.048 million (increase 20% yoy),
• Gross profit on sales: PLN 1.230 million (increase 28% yoy),
• SG&A costs: PLN 898 million (increase 21% yoy),
• Operating profit (EBIT): PLN 310 million (increase 49% yoy),
• LFL sales increased by 14.6% (in local currencies) in second quarter 2018,
• Sales area increased to 1.034 thousand sqm. (increase by 10,7% yoy),
2) for period from 01.01.2018 till 30.06.2018:
• Sales revenues: PLN 3.682 million (increase 18% yoy),
• Gross profit on sales: PLN 1.943 million (increase 23% yoy),
• SG&A costs: PLN 1.719 million (increase 18% yoy),
• Operating profit (EBIT): PLN 192 million (increase 95% yoy),
The calculations of these data have been made according to the current knowledge of the Management Board.
Please also note that a detailed financial report will be published on 04th September 2018 after the verification of all data by the auditor.