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CR 17/2018 Information on a transaction involving the issuer’s shares

Information on a transaction involving the issuer’s shares  

Current report no: 17/2018

Date: 20 July 2018

Hour: 5:19 pm

With reference to current report no 16/2018 on the change of a share in the total number of votes in the Company, the Management of LPP SA (further referred to as the Issuer, the Company) informs that, on 20 July 2018, the Company received notifications under MAR 19 on the conducting by persons discharging managerial responsibilities in the Company as well as persons closely associated with them of transactions relating to the establishment of a foundation, as referred to in the above-mentioned current report 16/2018, and relating to the implementation of a procedure described therein.

The Company encloses the wording of the notifications in question hereto.