CR 01/2019 Selected preliminary consolidated financial data of LPP Capital Group for the fourth quarter of 2018 and for 2018
Current report no.: 01/2019 Date: 02.01.2019; 6.57pm Selected preliminary consolidated financial data of LPP Capital Group for the fourth quarter of 2018 and for 2018 The Management Board of LPP SA hereby announces selected preliminary consolidated financial data of LPP SA Capital Group for the fourth quarter of 2018:
- Sales revenues: PLN 2 366 million (increase by 10% y/y),
- Gross profit on sales: PLN 1 415 million (increase by 13% y/y),
- SG&A costs: PLN 940 million (increase by 9% y/y),
- Operating profit (EBIT): PLN 420 million (increase by 12% y/y),
- Sales in comparable stores (LFL) in local currencies in the fourth quarter of 2018 increased by 2.3%.
For period from 01.01.2018 till 31.12.2018:
- Sales revenues: PLN 8 040 million (increase by 14% y/y),
- Gross profit on sales: PLN 4 396 million (increase by 18% y/y),
- SG&A costs: PLN 3 551 million (increase by 15% y/y),
- Operating profit (EBIT): PLN 743 million (increase by 28% y/y),
- Sales in comparable stores (LFL) in local currencies in 2018 increased by 7.2%,
- At the end of 2018, retail space reached 1 091 thousand m2 (an increase by 9% y/y).
The Company informs that the presented financial data are an estimate and they may differ from the final financial result of the LPP CG for 2018, which is to be audited by a statutory auditor. The final financial result will depend on the occurrence of additional information which remains unknown at the time of preparing the estimate and on additional provisions made, if any, or write-offs at the end of the financial year. At the same time, the Management Board of LPP SA informs that a detailed financial report for 2018 will be published on 11 April 2019.