CR 31/2020 Information on the fulfilment of key terms and conditions facilitating a transaction involving LPP shares, executed between the Semper Simul Foundation and the Sky Foundation, the shareholders
Information on the fulfilment of key terms and conditions facilitating a transaction involving LPP shares, executed between the Semper Simul Foundation and the Sky Foundation, the shareholders
Current report no: 31/2020
Date: 17.11.2020
Time: 3:07 p.m.
With reference to current report no 26/2020 of 16 October 2020, the Management Board of LPP SA (further referred to as “Company” or “Issuer”) informs that, on 17 November 2020, it was informed by the Semper Simul Foundation, the shareholder, that the said entity had had the knowledge of the issuance by the President of the Consumer Protection and Competition Office of the decision permitting a concentration consisting in the indirect acquisition by the Semper Simul Foundation of 175,000 registered preference shares giving their holder the right to 875,000 votes at the General Meeting of the Company from the Sky Foundation.
Furthermore, on 16 November 2020, the Company’s Supervisory Board adopted a resolution which, among others, permitted the transfer of 175,000 registered shares by the Sky Foundation.
In consequence, there have been met the key prerequisites facilitating the execution by the Semper Simul Foundation of the transaction involving the indirect acquisition from the Sky Foundation of the above-mentioned 175,000 registered preference shares giving right to 875,000 votes at the General Meeting of the Issuer i.e. the exceeding by the Semper Simul Foundation, indirectly, of the threshold of 33% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting of the Company.
The Issuer will inform of any further key events relating to the transaction in question as soon as it obtains the knowledge thereof.