CR 27/2023 Nomination of the candidate for a member of the Management Board of LPP SA
Current report no: 27/2023
Date: 20.10.2023
Time: 3:43 p.m.
The Management Board of LPP SA with its registered office in Gdańsk (the “Company”) informs that on 20 October 2023 it received the following information from Mr Marek Piechocki, as a shareholder of the Company:
“I hereby inform that at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company convened on 17 November 2023, I intend to propose Mr Mikołaj Wezdecki as a member of the Management Board of the Company to act in the capacity of the Vice-President of the Management Board.
With this application I attach a curriculum vitae of the candidate and his consent to stand as a candidate, including declarations indicating that he meets the legal requirements for the office.
I hereby request that the above information, together with the CV, should be published on the Company website and in the form of a current report without delay, in order to allow other shareholders to become aware of the aforementioned intention.”