Sinsay staff seek to aid the animals affected by the floods – and you can support them!

The floods that have hit southern Poland have also affected animals, with a number of shelters and care centres having been seriously damaged or totally destroyed. Sinsay staff have stepped forward to organise support. Anyone can help.
Sinsay Pets, or a collection of food and essentials
Our staff love animals and regularly get involved in various aid campaigns organised by the LPP Foundation. Our staff here at Sinsay have not remained indifferent to the plight of the animals harmed by the floods, but have come up with the idea of organising the collection of food and accessories for the hardest-hit shelters and care centres. They have also taken the initiative to establish Sinsay Pets.
How can we help animals that have lost their safe shelters in the wake of the floods? Anyone can take part in the collection of food and accessories, something that is urgently needed right now. All you need to do is bring the products to your nearest Sinsay showroom. The collection starts on 23 September. Keep in mind that even a single packet of food will be of great help! (The collection takes place in Poland).
List of items we need:
- High-meat dry food and speciality food for dogs and cats,
- Dog leashes, collars and harnesses,
- Bedding,
- Blankets,
- Towels,
- Bowls,
- Sanitary items, such as shampoos and tick control products,
- Disposable liners,
- Disposable gloves,
- Detergents and cleaning products,
- Disposable towels,
- Poop bags.
The donations are to go to the shelters and organisations that are most in need, so that support remains appropriate by meeting the ever-changing needs. We are glad that our staff are willing to help and have the opportunity to make their initiatives a reality. Feel invited to contribute to the collection by visiting your nearest Sinsay showroom!