Distribution Center in Brześć Kujawski
The construction of a new Distribution Center is the next stage in the development of LPP Logistics. The modern facility in Machnacz, in the municipality of Brześć Kujawski, was launched in the first quarter of 2022. The area of the center is 75,000 m2. We ship up to 8 million items of clothing and accessories per week from here!
Our benefits
We highly value the commitment of our employees. We believe that the people working at LPP Logistics have great potential, which is why we offer them attractive remuneration, which we always pay on time.
At the Distribution Center in Brześć Kujawski, we will provide meals for a symbolic zloty. The well-being of all employees is of great value to us.
We know how important it is to get to the workplace safely. Recognising this, we provide all our employees with free transport from many surrounding villages and towns.
We want our employees to have greater access to our products. Each of them receives discounts allowing them to shop at Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay shops on attractive terms.
Working conditions
We are a stable employer and a reliable business partner. We currently employ almost 27,000 employees worldwide, who are always paid their salaries on time.
Light goods work awaits you in our Center. LPP's mission is to make customers' dreams come true through their appearance. Support us in achieving it by participating in the garment delivery process.
We will provide our employees with access to a spacious, modernly designed company canteen. We believe that the tasty food in the company canteen will influence proper regeneration.
We have envisaged as many as 650 parking spaces for cars and 20 for public transport vehicles. We have also thought about parking for bicycles. This should meet the needs of our employees.
To provide our employees with as much daylight as possible, 30% of the roof area has been fitted with skylights. The facility has also been fitted with sensors to regulate the intensity of artificial lighting.
With regard to the current epidemiological situation, we have applied the necessary measures and safety procedures to minimise the chances of the COVID-19 virus spreading. These are measures taken for the sake of your health.
Our Center is a place that is friendly to employees, but also to the immediate neighbourhood. Energy efficiency or the optimisation of water consumption, will allow us to reduce the environmental impact of the facility's activities.
In the Distribution Center, we provide the opportunity to come into contact with modern warehouse automation. This is an important facility that supports our employees in their daily duties.

How to get to us
The Distribution Center is located in Machnacz, in the municipality of Brześć Kujawski, just off the A1 motorway. From the south, exit the A1 motorway onto the DK62 road, heading towards Brześć Kujawki, and then follow the DW268 road north. From the north, take the A1 motorway and exit onto the DW252 road, then turn into the DW268 road.