For the Media

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LPP Logistics develops proprietary Control Tower platform for global supply chain management

LPP Logistics, w odpowiedzi na wyzwania związane z zarządzaniem międzynarodową siecią zaopatrzenia i dystrybucji, wdrożyła autorski projekt platformy Control...

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LPP tops investor relations among WIG30 companies as assessed by analysts and financial institutions

LPP landed first place in the investor relations survey of WIG30 companies, in the part conducted among institutional investors....

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LPP has introduced a new product line – Reserved Home

LPP clothing company has introduced a new product line – Reserved Home – to its flagship brand’s online offer....

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LPP wins three awards in the CEE Retail Awards competition has awarded prizes to the best retail real estate players in Central and Eastern Europe. LPP and its...

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LPP has become one of the signatories of the Pakistan Accord

As of early 2023, Accord – an international agreement seeking to improve safety and working conditions in garment factories...

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Over 100 students from Trzebownisko municipality participated in a winter semi-camp co-organized by LPP Group

Following the launch of the new LPP Logistics Fulfilment Center in Jasionka in January this year, the Polish apparel...

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