Special projects
Recent years have shown us how crucial it is to help others. Despite the difficult times of the pandemic and later international crises, we continued to work together with our employees for the common good.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, LPP has supported those affected. The priority was the safety of Ukrainian employees and their loved ones. The company also provided financial and in-kind support for the activities of social organisations: District Branches of the Polish Red Cross, the Gdansk Foundation and the Polish Centre for International Aid. These activities were aimed at providing for the most urgent needs of refugees arriving in Poland and the people remaining in Ukraine, including accommodation, psychological and legal assistance, coordination of internal voluntary activities and transport and accommodation in EU countries.

The company also joined ZPPHiU’s #Power4Ukraine collection and WoshWosh’s “Open Hearts-Open Wardrobes” project. With a total aid value of over PLN 20 million, LPP provided support to approximately 300 Ukrainian employees and their relatives who decided to come to Poland. The amount of support for employees, including arrangement of social issues, accommodation, pre-paid cards and clothing vouchers, amounted to approximately PLN 3 million. Within the aforementioned amount of PLN 20 million, the company also donated approximately 300,000 items of clothing to 50 organisations, which were distributed to approximately 50,000 people in need.

As part of the long-term support in the fight against the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we donated almost 20 thousand items of clothing and financial support in the total amount of almost PLN 1.2 million to nine facilities in Pomerania and Cracow. The total value of material and financial support amounted to PLN 6.9 million.

Our support was given to the folliwing facilities: 7th Naval Hospital in Gdańsk, COPERNICUS Hospitals in Gdańsk, the University Centre for Maritime and Tropical Medicine, Specialist Hospital in Kościerzyna, and in Cracow: University Hospital, S. Żeromski Specialist Hospital, John Paul II Specialist Hospital, University Children’s Hospital and J. Dietl Specialist Hospital. In addition, our staff and volunteers sewed masks for health care personnel and the people of Poland.