Everything you want to know about LPP. Check our Integrated Report.

It is with great pleasure that I present the first integrated report of the LPP Capital Group, a detailed and complete picture of our company. I hope that its reading will allow you for the first time to learn about LPP ‘from the inside‘.
Marek Piechocki, President of the LPP Management Board

LPP SA, is one of the most dynamically developing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For over 25 years, the company has been consistently operating in Poland and abroad, achieving successes in the demanding clothing market. LPP SA manages 5 fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay. The company has a network of over 1,700 showrooms with a total area of over 1 million m2 and on-line stores of its brands in 11 European countries. LPP creates jobs for approx. 25,000 people in offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia and Africa. LPP SA is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange as part of the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.