Find your way in the fashion industry. LPP is looking for people with passion

LPP is launching its “Znajdź swoją drogę” [“Find Your Way”] campaign which tells the story of its design department employees. Apart from their creativity and passion for fashion, what they have in common is a lack of role-specific education. In this way, the Gdańsk-based company draws attention to the fact that the educational path does not have to determine one’s career path.
LPP is looking for talented candidates to work, among others, in design teams and sales teams, both in the head office in Gdańsk and in the offices in Cracow and Warsaw. The plan to increase employment stems from the company’s intensive development and the strengthening of multi-channel sales in markets where the LPP brand offer is available.
– We are currently looking for over 100 employees for the Product Preparation Department, as well as 150 people to support the team and the development of our Sinsay brand. These are mainly assistant positions – buyer, graphic designer, designer, technologist, but there are also plenty of offers for candidates with experience. We are recruiting for more than 30 positions in the area of Visual Communication, such as photographer or interior décor stylist – says Ewelina Lewandowska, talent acquisition leader at LPP.
The latest “Find Your Way” campaign is an important element of the company’s employer branding activities. With the help of short videos, produced by the Pł Marketing Agency, LPP shows the story of employees in its respective brands’ teams – junior Reserved designer and senior House designer. The aim of the campaign is to show potential candidates that role-specific education is not a barrier to making one’s way in the fashion industry and passion, commitment and openness to change make it possible to fulfil professional dreams.
– Demographic forecasts indicate that in the coming decades we will witness a decline in the number of young people on the labour market. We are already facing a shrinking pool of candidates with an artistic education. Hence, we are further flexing our search for talent to feed the design teams of our brands. The idea for the current campaign is a direct response to these needs – emphasises Sławomir Ronkowski, internal communications and CSR director at LPP.
For years, LPP has been cooperating with Polish and international universities and schools educating in the field of clothing design, design, graphics and clothing technology. Presentations, workshops and competitions organised, as well as the chance to participate in semester projects and graduation galas make it possible to support young designers and spot talents. Although a group of people interested in the fashion industry extends beyond the world of art colleges, those interested in pursuing a career in this area often drop out of the recruitment process, fearing that the lack of a degree in this field could jeopardise their chances of finding a job. LPP recruiters point out that in their search for candidates, e.g. for the position of assistant designer, they put emphasis mainly on predispositions, as well as on knowledge of the industry.
– When reviewing CVs and interviewing candidates, we always try to see the potential of a particular person. We do not focus on education but rather look at professional activity, participation in projects, at their interests and passions. We believe that there is something to be gained from each experience that will pay off in the future – points out Ewelina Lewandowska.
New employees acquire practical skills in the workplace – hands on. In the Product Preparation Department alone, the company employs over 1,000 people and they all have a lot to offer when it comes to teaching newcomers. A well-coordinated team is a valuable source of knowledge available immediately, and they also provide support for those taking their first steps at LPP.
The “Find Your Way” campaign is run online on LPP’s profiles (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn) and on YouTube. The Pł agency is responsible for performance activities. The campaign spots are also being broadcast as part of outdoor activities, on OOH screens in the largest Polish cities and the Tricity, on OOH media in the trains of the Fast Urban Rail and within the infrastructure around the station.
LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For 30 years, it has been successfully operating in Poland and abroad, offering its collections in such prestigious capitals as London, Helsinki or Tel Aviv. LPP SA manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, whose offer is available today in stationary and online stores in nearly 40 markets worldwide. The company has a chain of over 1700 stores with the total area of 1.4 million m2 and distributes clothing and accessories to 3 continents every year. LPP also plays an important role as it employs over 24 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.