LPP gains recognition in the Responsible Business Forum report “Responsible Business 2021. Good practices”.

LPP’s projects in the ESG area have been qualified for the 20th edition of the “Responsible Business. Good practices” report prepared by the Responsible Business Forum. In this year’s edition, all the submitted initiatives of the company have been published, including those concerning respect for human rights, social engagement, creating a friendly workplace or environmental protection. The report covers a total of 1677 sustainable development and CSR practices implemented by 283 companies.
The cyclical report published by the Responsible Business Forum constitutes an overview of the key CSR initiatives in Poland. The practices included in the publication concern mainly the innovative activities of organisations in the area of sustainable development, divided into areas compliant with the ISO 26000 standard: social governance, labour practices, human rights, environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, social engagement and community development.
LPP as a socially responsible company has been involved in this project for several years. This time it has submitted to the report 10 key initiatives carried out in the past year.
– We are glad that all our initiatives in the field of sustainable development and ESG have been included in this year’s edition of the publication prepared by the Responsible Business Forum. This confirms our conviction that we are heading in the right direction and our actions bring measurable benefits to the environment – stresses Patrycja Zbytniewska, Social Policy Leader at LPP.
An interesting practice regarding workplace is the Diversity Month, which is the company’s response to the needs of its operations in nearly 40 markets. To support its employees in building teams open to diversity, individuality and other people, the company prepared, among other things, a diversity quiz, made available a guide on how to prevent exclusion and joined the “Two hours for family” campaign. This enabled employees to reduce their working time by two hours and spend them with their loved ones. The positive reception of this project at LPP prompted the company to continue it also this year.
The report also outlines LPP’s efforts to protect the environment, including the reduction of single-use plastics. This is one of the goals of the 2020-2025 “For People For Our Planet” sustainability strategy. Already in 2017, plastics were completely eliminated from shipping packaging in Reserved and Mohito brands, and recycled foil was used in the other brands. This resulted in reducing the use of plastics in packaging by as much as 445 tonnes in 2021 and by 1015 tonnes since the start of the project. Last year, the company also eliminated plastics from price tags.
Social initiatives that the Polish clothing company has been implementing through the LPP Foundation have become a permanent feature of the report. – We actively support local communities, with a special focus on regions where the company’s offices and logistics warehouses are located. Moreover, our long-term activities include, among others, Strategic Partnership of the Development Initiatives Forum, within the framework of which we give grants to innovative projects implemented in Pomerania by cross-sectoral partnerships. In addition, we support children and young people from Brześć Kujawski, for whom we finance extra-curricular classes in English, Polish, Mathematics and Robotics, or donate school supplies in the form of our “School starter kit for a first grader” campaign – adds Patrycja Zbytniewska, who is also the President of the LPP Foundation.
The premiere of the “Responsible Business 2021. Good Practices” report (https://odpowiedzialnybiznes.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Raport2021.pdf) took place during the 9th CSR Fair which was attended by LPP experts in CSR, ESG and diversity. They talked about the use of more environmentally friendly materials at the company and shared information about the activities concerning diversity carried out and the LPP Foundation’s social projects.
LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For 30 years, it has been successfully operating in Poland and abroad, offering its collections in such prestigious capitals as London, Helsinki or Tel Aviv. LPP SA manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, whose offer is available today in stationary and online stores in nearly 40 markets worldwide. The company has a chain of nearly 1700 stores with the total area of over 1.4 million m2. Based on a global distribution network located in 3 countries, it distributes clothing and accessories to 3 continents every year. LPP plays another important role as it employs 32 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.