LPP is rolling out its new employer branding strategy

As a follow-up to the strategy that LPP announced this year for further intensive growth in Europe, it has also decided to roll out a new employer branding strategy. The focus is on the two distinguishing features of this Gdańsk-based company: the product and the people behind it, hence the campaign slogan: “Attracting through products. Inspiring through people.” The company’s priority is to create synergies between its employer branding activities, HR strategy and business objectives, with the aim of ensuring that LPP is perceived in the retail industry as the first choice brand in the labour market.
Strategy for retaining and acquiring talent
This Polish clothing manufacturer, with its 5 successful and recognisable clothing brands: Sinsay, Reserved, Cropp, House and Mohito, is today present in 40 markets. The company aims to continue its intensive growth. In the spring of this year, LPP announced its ambitious plans to double the number of brick and mortar shops within three years as well as double its 2023 sales.
Business development brings further opportunities while also posing new challenges. The company is a leader in the fashion industry and has been expanding outside Poland for more than 20 years, mainly in markets in Central and Southern Europe. It has successfully introduced an omnichannel business model in the retail market. It implements numerous technological solutions in the support of sales. In the market, it is associated with the creative fashion industry, which is driven by several thousand employees in the traditional sales network, as well as specialised omnichannel teams, logistics specialists, Visual Communiaction teams, Back Office and much more.
The announced plan to double the size of the company by the end of 2026 means that the teams need to be further expanded. As part of its intensified employer branding activities, LPP seeks to build its own image as an attractive first-choice employer for new job applicants. This requires an umbrella communication strategy to respond to today’s needs, making it easier to attract and retain talent, not only in the head office but also in the fast-growing sales teams almost all over Europe.
People and values in the foreground
– We have been paying keen attention to what our staff and partners have to say – what they need and what they expect. We are diverse, representing a unique mix of competencies, personalities and characters, while our greatest strength continues to be our team. This includes the leaders who helped to create LPP at the start of its business journey and those who are just taking their first professional steps. The undeniable strength of our organisation is its openness and tolerance, its ambition and curiosity about the world. We have made an effort to make these qualities part of the pillars of the employer branding strategy that we are currently implementing — said Sławomir Ronkowski, Director for Image Communication and Social Relations at LPP.
While the product is the protagonist and the start of LPP’s story, it is the people who are its heart and strength. Diverse, creative, bold and, most importantly, inspiring — for the company, partners and the environment. It is their energy that allows this Gdańsk-based company to be seen on the market as continuously seeking new ways to develop while, at the same time, efficiently launching new strategic projects (including new technologies, omnichannel solutions and sales applications). The head office alone employs more than 3,000 people, while the company has created more than 43,000 jobs in Poland and globally, not least through its extensive logistics infrastructure and network of nearly 2,500 shops.
Authenticity and commitment of employees
– Together we are building the employer brand. This is the first employer branding strategy on this scale in our history, and it is the result of a collaborative effort involving the HR, product development, omnichannel, retail and logistics teams. The improved internal and external communication, the alignment of our career website and social media with the new narrative, are intended to give an even better idea of what working for our company looks like and to respond to the needs of job applicants — said Katarzyna Rachwalska-Gröning, leader of the Employer Branding Team at LPP.
The authors of LPP’s employer branding strategy have sought to produce a message that is clear and consistent with the staff’s perspective. This is why the group has decided to target specific features distinguishing LPP as seen through the eyes of its staff. To this end, it has organised extensive strategy workshops along with quantitative and qualitative research carried out with teams and the business environment. As a result, we have created a slogan to complement the brand name: “Attracting through products. Inspiring through people”. The strategy’s communication places a premium on authenticity, hence the presence of the company’s staff in the advertising. They are shown where they do their daily work, along with the insights that accompany the narrative as it corresponds to the nature of their tasks at the company.
LPP’s new communication strategy relies on the organisation’s values derived directly from its culture: energy, ambition, responsibility, honesty, respect, justice and tolerance – qualities that were highlighted by the staff themselves during one of the workshops. The campaign shows the company as an attractive employer, one that enables its staff to improve their professional skills or acquire new ones. The company is a place that is open to diversity, offering both stable employment and support from leaders in professional development.
LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central Europe. For 30 years, it has been successfully designing and selling the collections and accessories in Poland and abroad. LPP manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, whose offer is available today in stationary and online stores in 40 markets worldwide. The company has a chain of nearly 2500 stores with the total area of over 2 million m2 and distributes the products to 3 continents every year. LPP also plays an important role as it provides employment to 43 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.