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LPP launches new educational campaign called Wear Your Story

Despite the fact that Poles are increasingly aware of the negative impact that over-consumption and throwing away clothes can have on the environment, they rarely repair or rework minor damage to their favourite items of clothing. Mainly because they do not have the proper skills, which, importantly, they would like to learn. In response to the clear need for education, LPP is initiating a dialogue with consumers and launching the Wear Your Story campaign, the second instalment of the Look After Your Clothes campaign promoting a conscious and responsible use of clothes. The company wants to increase consumer awareness and environmental sensitivity and draw attention to the need to change everyday fashion habits.

Wear Your Story is a unique tale about stories. The personal, emotional ones hidden in our clothes that accompany us at the most important moments of our lives. As part of the campaign, LPP wants to instil in consumers the belief that it is by repairing and altering often worn out or slightly damaged clothes that not only can we prolong their life, but we can also preserve the memories and emotions they carry along. After all, clothes are much more than fashion and their utilitarian dimension. They are above all unique time capsules, hiding memories and carrying what is worth preserving in our timeless stories.

A sustainable approach to fashion is one of the elements that place an increasingly strong emphasis on in our operations. We are keen to instil this idea in our customers as well. As part of the Wear Your Story campaign, we want to make Poles aware that by extending the life of their clothes through repairing and altering them, they can enjoy their favourite items longer while reducing their negative impact on the environment– says Dorota Jankowska-Tomków, purchasing and ESG director at LPP.

Protect the environment and preserve your own memories

As part of the campaign, LPP, in cooperation with ARC Rynek i Opinia, conducted a public opinion survey, on the basis of which it prepared a report that inspired the launch of the campaign. Respondents clearly indicated that Poles are interested in “going back to their roots”. As much as 64% declared that they would like to learn basic tailoring techniques in order to repair clothes.

Up until the mid 20th century, repairing and altering clothes was a common practice. However, today we are less and less willing and able to do this, preferring instead to throw away damaged clothes and buy new ones. The aim of the Wear Your Story campaign is to return to old habits and rediscover the skills that our grandparents and parents had – comments Katarzyna Stasiuk, PhD in psychology and professor at the Institute of Applied Psychology of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow..

As the expert assures, repairing and altering clothes on your own is not only of practical and economic value. It also helps to de-stress and develops creativity, and can bring back memories of family life. Seeing the result of one’s own work also gives a sense of self-satisfaction and pride that by reducing the amount of clothes thrown away, we are taking care of the environment.

Importantly, nearly ¾ of the respondents believe that access to simple advice on repairing and altering clothes would be of value to them. Therefore, the key aspect of the Wear Your Story campaign is the educational dimension. The campaign is centered around the website with a variety of tutorial content to help everyone make small repairs to their favourite items of clothing. The Masters of Practice were also invited to join the project: Faustyna Szulfer, Monika Jurasik and Angelika Witek,. They prepared a set of practical materials for consumers. These are mainly short, instructional videos showing various methods of repairing and upcycling clothes.

Back to the roots!

In addition to its educational value, the campaign will also have a practical dimension. As part of its subsequent iterations, LPP will also launch an action of repairing clothes in tailors‘ shops, thus wishing to draw consumers’ attention to the fact that damage to clothes does not have to mean having to buy a whole new wardrobe. Thanks to the cooperation with woshwosh, the company will provide Poles with vouchers for a specific amount to be used to repair clothes at selected points in Poland.

– Fashion should be responsible. The fashion industry is currently being challenged to make a real difference and take responsibility for its impact on the environment. In line with woshwosh principle of giving clothes longevity, I believe that the key direction for change is to promote the principle of “care & repair”. Therefore, we are committed to educating and working to raise the environmental awareness of business and consumers – says Martyna Zastawna, founder of the woshwosh brand. – In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in consumer perception and companies’ approach to sustainable production. Together, we can contribute to creating a reality where fashion not only inspires, but through more sustainable consumer habits has less impact on the planet – she adds.

Engagement of Reserved and Sinsay

As part of the Wear Your Story campaign, LPP is implementing an extensive communication strategy in Reserved and Sinsay stores. There will be stickers in fitting rooms encouraging people to learn more about the campaign, as well as banners redirecting to the campaign website will appear on both brands’ mobile apps. LPP believes that, through its wide-ranging activities, it will reach a large audience with the campaign message and make a real impact on their transition to a circular economy in fashion as well.

Conscious, sustainable design has become a necessity in the clothing industry. We want our clothes to be not only aesthetically stunning, but also functional and environmentally friendly. I have been working on the topic of extending the life of clothing for years, seeing the decline of traditional repair services and the growing need to educate consumers. The transformation of the industry towards more sustainable practices is inevitable, and the popularity of the DIY approach shows that consumers are ready for change. The Wear Your Story campaign has the potential to become a source of knowledge and inspiration and to promote garment repair and upcycling as a way of protecting the environment and preserving the unique memories contained in our clothes – says Małgorzata Czudak, a clothing designer, professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź and lecturer in design at the Fashion Institute of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź.

The key objective

Wear Your Story is a campaign aimed at changing the thinking and everyday habits of Poles. Education and promotion of responsible use of clothes, through their repair and upcycling, can bring real environmental benefits. In this way, LPP along with its customers, wants to shift towards a circular economy and a more sustainable fashion future.


LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central Europe. For 30 years, it has been successfully operating in Poland and abroad, offering its collections in such prestigious capitals as London, Helsinki or Tel Aviv. LPP manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, whose offer is available today in stationary and online stores in nearly 40 markets worldwide. The company has a chain of over 2200 stores with the total area of nearly 2 million m2 and distributes clothing and accessories to 3 continents every year. LPP also plays an important role as it employs 43 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.