LPP is the Employer of the Year 2017 for the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area

LPP received a special award – the title of Employer of the Year for the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area granted by the President of the Employers of Pomerania, the Gdańsk Labour Office and the Chairman of the Metropolitan Area Management Board – the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk Paul Adamowicz. This honour is given to companies that have achieved significant development in the field of investment and employment. It is also a proof of recognition for the companies for which the principles of professional ethics and social responsibility occupy a special place in the implementation of the business strategy.
The title Employer of the Year 2017 for the Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area is specific recognition for LPP for activities in the field of sustainable development and support of the younger generation of employees. This confirms the significant position of LPP as an employer and the dynamic development of the company. The further intensified expansion of the salon networks and the development of e-commerce planned this year naturally gave birth to the need of increased employment in all areas of LPP’s activity, which are essential for the further development of the labour market and the region.
“LPP is made up of people and we primarily owe our success to them. That is why the idea of creating a favourable environment and work space are particularly important for us and we are consistently pursuing this direction”, said Przemyslaw Lutkiewicz, Vice President of the Management Board of LPP during the Evening Gala.
As pointed out in a congratulatory letter, the Marshall of the Pomorskie Province, Mieczysław Struk, stated LPP is a strong leader in the industry and provides a model for other. It is proof that you can create a strong company, which despite numerous challenges, strengthens itself due to unrelenting work, consistency and the involvement of all the employees.
The honorary patronage over the event was Mr. Mieczysław Struk, Marshal of the Pomorskie Province. In the course of this year’s Evening Gala, the award on behalf of LPP was received by Przemysław Lutkiewicz, vice president of the Management Board of LPP.

Authorship: Kosycarz Foto Press
LPP SA is one of the most dynamically developing clothing companies in Central and Eastern Europe. For 26 years the company has been consistently and successfully operating on demanding clothing markets in Poland and abroad. LPP SA manages 5 fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay. The company has a network of nearly 1700 retail stores as well as on-line stores of all its brands and it offers jobs for about 25 thousand people in offices and sales structures in Poland, European countries, Asia and Africa. LPP SA is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange within the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.