New vice-president joining the LPP management board

As of 10 October this year, the composition of LPP’s management board is changing, with Mikołaj Wezdecki, the former digitalization director, joining as vice-president of the board, replacing Jacek Kujawa in the company’s board structures.
Mikołaj Wezdecki has been developing online sales at RTV EURO AGD since 2006, where he built one of Poland’s largest online stores for RTV and home appliances products.
From 2019, as management board member and director responsible for the e-commerce area at, he launched online store – currently one of the leading players in online sales in Central and Eastern Europe.
– We had been preparing for this change for months. I am delighted that Mikołaj Wezdecki is joining the board. He is a worthy successor to Jacek Kujawa, who brought LPP to a new level, proving that the future of today’s retail lies in digitalisation, omnichannel and a thriving distribution network. The new board member faces further ambitious challenges. I am convinced that his previous professional experience will constitute a strong asset at further stages of LPP’s transformation – concludes Marek Piechocki, CEO of LPP.
Mikołaj Wezdecki has been with LPP since June 2022. Initially, he was responsible for the digitalisation process and the development of the e-commerce platform for Reserved and Sinsay. In March 2023, he took the role of digitalization director, entrusted with the development of a policy for the development of the e-commerce area for all LPP Group brands and setting up new standards and synergies in the development of the brands’ online platform.
– The company has undergone a major technological and digital transformation over the last few years. In parallel, it has gained a rich analytical background to understand market trends and our customers’ expectations. There are many challenges ahead of me, as the retail world is experiencing a real digital revolution. I am therefore all the more pleased to have been entrusted with such a responsible role – comments Mikołaj Wezdecki, vice-president of the LPP management board.
Jacek Kujawa, stepping down as vice-president of LPP’s management board, started his professional adventure with the company 19 years ago, initially as IT director and for the last 14 years as vice-president of LPP. He was responsible for logistics, IT area, but also the Group’s investments and administrative issues.
– I took the personal decision to step down with a sense of a job well done and great professional satisfaction. Placing the company on the right path towards e-commerce and then transforming it into a modern omnichannel organisation are challenges I am particularly proud of. On top of that, the creation of the thriving LPP logistics from scratch, which gave rise to setting up one of the biggest logistics operators in the country – LPP Logistics, meant that a time has come for changes and a well-deserved rest – explains Jacek Kujawa.
Additionally, there are changes in the composition of the management boards of the Group’s subsidiaries – Silky Coders and LPP Logistics. Mikołaj Wezdecki becomes the president of the Polish software house – Silky Coders. On the other hand, the position of president of the Polish logistics operator belonging to the LPP Group is taken over by its current vice-president, Sebastian Sołtys, who has been associated with LPP for 15 years.
At the beginning of his career at LPP, Sebastian Sołtys was responsible for implementing the project of building and automating the Group’s very first distribution centre. In the following years, he held the position of director of supply chain management and foreign logistics of LPP. Recently, he managed the global omnichannel logistics processes and the Group’s distribution network comprising seven warehouse facilities located in three European countries. Since 2022, i.e. with the creation of LPP Logistics, he held the position of vice-president of the company’s management board.
LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For 30 years, it has been successfully operating in Poland and abroad, offering its collections in such prestigious capitals as London, Helsinki or Tel Aviv. LPP manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, whose offer is available today in stationary and online stores in nearly 40 markets worldwide. The company has a chain of over 2000 stores with the total area of 1.8 million m2 and distributes clothing and accessories to 3 continents every year. LPP also plays an important role as it employs nearly 30 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.