RE.DESIGN – the first collection by Reserved curated by Gen Z in Poland

RE.DESIGN is a collection that is unique in every way and the first collaboration of its kind with Gen Z in Poland. To create it, Reserved invited twelve creative representatives of Gen Z. They took an active part in every stage of the collection creation to ultimately become its ambassadors.
How to define Gen Z? It is certainly the first generation that does not remember the times without the Internet. For them, the use of technology is their everyday reality they do not need to grow accustomed to. This does not mean, however, that they have moved completely to the virtual world. According to the report entitled Gen Z. How to understand today the generation of tomorrow, published in 2019 by and Dentsu, this generation is represented by a group for whom offline contacts are extremely important and the need to establish relationships in the real world – crucial. Constant access to a vast amount of information, which even for the statistical millennial can be overwhelming, for Gen Z-ers translates into enviable creativity and activity.
– Members of Gen Z feel particularly connected to their environment. Very aware of events happening in the world, thanks to being constantly online and connected through social media and the Internet, we use activism to solve the problems we see in the society. I also believe that my generation is the most creative because of the environment we grew up in. Older generations were taught creativity in class; if they wanted to know more, they had to find their own way about it. Gen Z were the first to receive a constant flow of inspiration thanks to easy access to such information – claims Zuza Kacperczyk, a graphic design student in London and one of the co-creators of the collection.
– We are an improved hybrid of the earlier generation. Take our parents, for example: today’s technology is not as essential to their lives as it is to ours – Gen Z, who are just entering the new market where this awareness of technology is desirable, even necessary. Moreover, Gen Z need an extraordinary amount of experience and motor or emotional stimuli, and therefore we are curious about life, we try new things, we thrive on challenges. I don’t exclude other generations from this type of behaviour, but I’m sure it’s a trait that defines ours – Miłosz Kulesza, a film school graduate, says about his generation.
– People from my generation are distinguished by their individuality. They present a unique outlook on the world, style and approach to life. My generation is a kind of rebellion against the world that surrounds us. We want changes for the better and are ready to face all odds to achieve our goals – adds photographer Paweł Miśko.
RE.DESIGN is a collection of their fascinations and tastes, a kind of mirror in which they can look at themselves to see the true nature of their generation. And what is it, really? Uncompromising, open and bold. There is no question of limiting oneself to a single style or aesthetic, RE.DESIGN 2021 brings together all sorts of trends: from handicraft through vintage, streetwear to cottagecore. The key theme? Authenticity. The collection itself is only the beginning of an action planned on a larger scale. It will be collected under a specially created hashtag #PolishGenZ bringing together a community of interesting representatives of generation Z – and the brand does not rule out cooperation with them in future special Reserved actions.
The women’s line draws on past decades, recalling such vintage patterns as fine check or op-art zebra, with a bit of colourful crochet weaves inspired by knitting and original graphics (the smiling and sad face motif was designed by ZuzaOK). The colour palette is cheerful, juxtaposing shades of pink and violet with different tones of yellow and green, with accents of strong red, saturated blue, broken with creamy beige and universal black. The silhouettes remain close to the body, with accentuated or slightly higher waistline. Flared cuts dominate – trapeze skirts, bell-bottomed trousers or longer A-line dresses. There are also sporty elements, such as a pink tracksuit with panels or a knitted set with short leggings.
Men’s silhouettes focus on a relaxed approach to streetwear. There are patchwork solutions (denim trousers and jacket), vintage inspirations (knitted waistcoat with wavy pattern, jumper with wide stripes), as well as broken classics (checked trench coat). The colours of the collection are slightly subdued; browns, greys and blacks are accompanied by smoky pink, denim blue, and graphic accents in the form of a spotted pattern on the cardigan. There is also a nod to the artsy painting trend with a jumper with sunflowers print.
Season of the year is a relative term – admit the collection designers, summing up their cooperation with Gen Z. Their wardrobe is not divided into summer and winter: they wear whatever they feel like, even when the weather would suggest otherwise. This is why the collection includes many outer garments designed to be used all year round. Gen Z do not like seasonality and prefer take a longer perspective.
Bartek Wieczorek is responsible for the RE.DESIGN image session. Analogue photos present the models in their everyday, natural environment, at home, at work or simply relaxing. There are the new-found social realism elements, such as the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, perceived by the new generation without the burden of the past as inspiring in their own way, documenting the history of their country and thus showing their value. A similar thing may be said about intensified colours typical of a photographic plate, giving extra emphasis to contrasting but paradoxically well-matched designs.
The brand invited representatives of Gen Z to the production of the e-commerce shoot – Kacper Kujawa and Oliwia Drożdż were responsible for the styling of the photo shoot and the whole thing was photographed by Paweł Miśko.
The première of the collection will be accompanied by two murals designed by Nina Kulik, a Cracow-based illustrator and graphic designer. She created illustrated portraits of all twelve RE.DESIGN ambassadors which will appear on the walls of buildings at Jaworzyńska 7/9 and Chmielna 98 in Warsaw.
Co-creators of the collection:
Nina Przegalińska @ninaprzegalinska – spends her days studying, running her online mini vintage shop, and being active on social media.
Zuza Okienczyc @zuzaok – a DJ and tattoo artist, hosts her own programme on Her hobbies include painting, dogs, cooking, and trying new things.
Zuza Kacperczyk @zuzakacperczyk – a graphic design student in London. Also keen on photography and fashion, which she combines in her artistic work.
Gabriela Bednarz @gabrielabednarz – hones her passion for fashion illustration and animation while studying at the London College of Fashion. She enjoys sports, crocheting, and drawing.
Oliwia Drożdż @olivia_drozdz – a student of Creative Direction for Fashion at the London College of Fashion.
Kuba Domański @kuuuubs – runs a website dedicated to street fashion – with particular emphasis on shoes – which is also his greatest passion.
Leo Mazurkiewicz @interleoo – the creator of Hypetalk community and creative agency. Runs a fashion brand called Chaos Gone Global, as well as Hypetalk Shuffle podcast about modern rap. He is the organiser of the biggest streetwear trade fair in Poland – Hypemarket. Before the pandemic, he also organised concerts and is the originator and one of the founders of Clout festival.
Paweł Miśko @pawelmisko – a photographer. Every day, he rides his bike, takes photos and plays the guitar.
Kajtek Kaczmarski @kajtek – a student, outside school a member of the team running Pokój Dzienny creative space. In Pokój Dzienny he is responsible for the graphic design of events. He has many different hobbies, with fashion – viewed as expression of feelings and emotions through clothes – being the most important one; he also has automotive-related interests, especially when it comes to Japan at the turn of the 20th and 21st century.
Janek Marek @yanekmarek – an enthusiast of life and future tattoo artist. Spends his days modelling, drawing and designing tattoo flashes. Learns the art of tattooing, rides a skateboard and a bike, loves to cook, and raises two kittens.
Miłosz Kulesza @miloszkulesza – lives in London where he graduated from film school. He does and tries everything, appreciates life on the run and constant movement. On a daily basis, he practices calisthenics, runs, and has resigned from all means of transport for the sake of his bicycle. He is interested in fashion and contemporary technology.
Kacper Kujawa @kujawakacper – a PR & Communication student at the London College of Fashion.
RE.DESIGN collection curated by Polish Gen Z will be online exclusive and available from 22 April 2021 at
Photographer: Bartek Wieczorek
Camera operator/video: Janek Konikowski
Stylist: Michał Koszek
Make-up artist: Wilson
Hair stylist: Daniel Gryszke
Set designer: Ania Witko
Interviews: Marta Mach
Production: Visual Crafters
LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For 30 years it has been successfully operating in Poland and abroad, offering its collection in traditional stores already on 25 markets, including in such prestigious capitals as London, Berlin, Tel Aviv or Moscow. LPP SA manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay. The company has a chain of over 1800 stores with the total area of 1.4 million sq.m. The online offer of the brands collections is available on 30 markets. On the basis of a global supply chain, the Polish clothing producer distributes over 259 million pieces of clothing to three continents. LPP plays another important role as it employs nearly 22 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.