The value of charitable aid provided by LPP has exceeded PLN 20 million

• Over the last 20 years LPP has supported nearly 1000 organisations with the help amounting to PLN 20 million.
• In 2018 alone the LPP Foundation donated PLN 1.5 million in the form of financial and material aid.
• Last year, social organisations received 78 thousand pieces of clothing as part of the charitable aid.
• Nearly half a tone of clothing gathered as part of the collection organised in stores gained a second life and reached people in difficult life situations.
• In 2018, 150 LPP volunteers worked 850 hours as part of the original social programmes.
LPP has been engaged in charitable actions for over 20 years. So far, the company has donated more than PLN 20 million, supporting nearly 1000 organisations. With a view to continuing the charitable activity pursued by the company for many years, in December 2017 the LPP Foundation was established.
In 2018, the Foundation provided support for over 100 social organisations. Youth and children facing social exclusion are at the heart of its operations. The aim of the Foundation is also to help people in a difficult life situation and health protection. – Last year was very intensive. In total, we donated over 500 thousand zlotys for the benefit of people in need, and 78 thousand pieces of our clothing worth 1 million zlotys went to social organizations. We carried out dozens of actions in which we managed to bring a smile to many faces. We supported, among other things, the summer holidays of 50 children from children’s homes in the Tri-City and Cracow. We also funded scholarships for 42 wards of the Orphan Children’s Fund run by the Hospice Foundation, equipped children’s homes and financed sports activities for young people at risk of social exclusion – enumerates Sławomir Łoboda, Vice-President of the Management Board of LPP and Chairman of the LPP Foundation Council.
The Foundation supports not only projects of this kind. Under its auspices, help was also provided to a hospital in Gdańsk and health institutions. – We do not need special encouragement to help. There are plenty of volunteers in LPP. In total, last year we devoted over 850 “working hours”, among others for the Copernicus Hospital in Gdańsk. We knew that the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care of Children there required renovation. It is a pleasure when we can devote our time, use the strength of our hands and creativity, and thanks to the LPP Foundation also financial resources, to bring some colour to the everyday life of young patients – explains Anna Miazga, Vice-President of the LPP Foundation and CSR Coordinator in LPP.
LPP employees worked out ceiling designs full of fairy tale characters. They refreshed the four ward rooms, which are now pleasing the eyes of young patients. For many of them, the ceiling is the first eye-catching element when they wake up in a hospital bed.
The Foundation also supported the purchase of equipment in health care institutions taking care of children in Pomerania and Małopolska regions. – Public institutions do not always have sufficient resources to fully equip or renovate them. From the very beginning, the founders of LPP wanted to share the success of the company. Years ago, we initiated our charity activities and this idea continues to this day, although for a year now in the form of the LPP Foundation – explains Sławomir Łoboda.
Last year, the Foundation funded renovation of, among others, the Outpatient Cystic Fibrosis Clinic in Gdańsk, supported the “Pomorze Dzieciom” Hospice and the Oncological Hospice of the “Pro Salute” Foundation in Będzin. Among the projects, there were also activities combining help with care for the environment. – In 2018 a clothing collection programme was launched, aimed at providing items of clothing to those in need via the LPP Foundation. We are aware of how many clothes end up in rubbish bins each year and that there is no technology allowing for full recovery of fibres. This inspired us to organize an action that gives a second life to clothes and at the same time helps people in a difficult life situation all over Poland – explains Anna Miazga. Since 2018, in the largest Reserved stores, customers may return any brand of clothing to specially marked containers. The collected clothes are all transferred to St. Brother Albert’s Aid Society from where the clothes are distributed to the homeless and needy throughout the country. So far, we have managed to collect half a ton of textiles.
– Since its inception LPP has donated 20 million zlotys for charity activities. We have helped many people and we want to continue to do so. We hope, however, that every year there will be more and more foundations like ours on the map, because there is nothing more beautiful than helping others and seeing priceless smiles on their faces – concludes Sławomir Łoboda.
More information about the activities of the LPP Foundation and the rules of cooperation may be found on the website:
LPP SA is one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For over 25 years, the Company has consistently carried out its operations in Poland and abroad, being successful on the demanding clothing market. LPP SA manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito and Sinsay. The company has a chain of 1,700 stores with the total area of over 1 million sq.m. and operates online stores in 11 European countries. LPP employs over 25 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. LPP SA is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.