Joint action by LPP and Ubrania do Oddania for Martyna Wojciechowska’s UNAWEZA Foundation

In collaboration with Ubrania do Oddania, LPP is launching a clothing collection in its brand stores across Poland. Thanks to the “Szafa Pełna Dobra” [“Wardrobe Full of Goodness”] campaign planned for September, the collected clothes and accessories will go into second circulation. However, this is not the only aim of the project. The action combines environmental measures with a positive social effect. For every kilogram of clothing collected, the Ubrania do Oddania brand will donate funds to support the charges of the UNAWEZA Foundation which in an effort to equalise economic, social and legal opportunities for women and children worldwide.
Throughout September, as part of the “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” campaign, new and second-hand clothes and accessories will be collected in all LPP brand stores in Poland. Clothes and accessories of any brand, but in good condition, can be brought to each of nearly a thousand Reserved, Mohito, Cropp, House or Sinsay stores and left at a place indicated by a store staff member. You can also take part in the collection by ordering a free courier who will pick up the prepared package e.g. from home. In order to do so, all you have to do is create an account on the website and follow the instructions on the page, indicating the “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” project as the beneficiary. The collected clothes will be donated to Ubrania do Oddania brand, which will put them back into circulation, this way giving them a second life.
– I am very pleased with the cooperation with LPP as part of the “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” project. It has always been the mission of Ubrania Do Oddania brand to create awareness in the area of the fashion industry’s impact on climate change and we are happy to invite clothing brands to join us in this area. The “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” project is a huge, valuable action joined by each and every store of all LPP brands – 1,000 points on the map of the whole of Poland – to collect unnecessary and redundant clothes. From now on, if you have unwanted clothes at home, you can leave them at any Reserved, Mohito, Sinsay, Cropp or House store, and we will donate one zloty for each kilogram collected to Martyna Wojciechowska’s UNAWEZA Foundation. The idea of the UNAWEZA Foundation – namely helping people by equalising economic, social and legal opportunities – is very close to my heart. We encourage you to take part in our joint action – emphasises Zosia Zochniak, Co-Founder of
For LPP, cooperation with Ubrania do Oddania brand is yet another project through which the company pursues the idea of extending the life of clothes. Since 2018, the company has been carrying out a permanent collection of second-hand clothes in selected stores of its brands, donating them to St. Brother Albert’s Aid Society supporting homeless people. In June this year, LPP also launched a campaign under the slogan “Look after your clothes. Read. Check. Care.” which aims to raise awareness as regards methods of taking care for clothes to prolong their life while reducing their carbon footprint.
– Responsible consumption activities are high on the agenda of our sustainability strategy, and the idea of circularity is present in many of our projects. Through both the “Look after your clothes. Read. Check. Care.” campaign and our collaboration with Ubrania do Oddania, we want to raise consumer awareness of the environmental impact of our everyday decisions on how we handle our clothing. The “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” is the first clothing collection campaign of such wide reach in LPP’s history, involving all our stores. This way, we want to show that instead of shortening the life of clothes by throwing them in the rubbish, you can give them a second life – says Ewa Janczukowicz-Cichosz, sustainability expert at LPP.
Apart from the environmental and educational dimension, the cooperation of the Gdańsk-based company with Ubrania do Oddania also pursues important social goals. For every kilogram of clothing collected during the campaign – which will be put into circulation again – Ubrania do Oddania will transfer funds to support the charges of the UNAWEZA Foundation, whose mission is to provide equal development opportunities for women, families and children around the world.
– My UNAWEZA Foundation was established in 2019 and from the very beginning we have been guided by our mission expressed in the slogan: “We give women wings”. This is what we strive to do every day. In the world of UNAWEZA, we firmly believe that by changing one person’s life, we change the whole world. We also believe that small gestures, multiplied by a large number of people, have great power. That is why, as UNAWEZA Foundation, we were delighted to accept the invitation to take part in the joint action of LPP and Ubrania do Oddania. I have known and followed Zosia, who initiated the creation of the UDO platform, for a long time now. She has been doing a lot of good things to reduce the waste of clothes by giving them a second life and, at the same time, by doing so, also supporting the work of many foundations. Gestures like this really do have great power, as long as we get involved. And here the concept is very simple: don’t throw good things away, simply pass them on. This is why I wholeheartedly invite you, on behalf of the UNAWEZA Foundation and myself, to join the “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” campaign. Together we can do more – appeals Martyna Wojciechowska, President of the UNAWEZA Foundation.
The “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” is the first such initiative implemented in all LPP brand stores in Poland. The company is also involving the employees of its Headquarters in the project by carrying out the collection action in the offices in Gdańsk, Pruszcz Gdański, Warsaw, and Kraków.
– We do hope that by acting on such a large scale we will increase interest in the campaign among customers visiting our stores. The activities of the UNAWEZA Foundation are particularly close to our hearts, as they give wings to women, and 80% of the employees of LPP are women. That is why we think of this collaboration as women supporting women and giving strength to those at risk of social exclusion. This aspect is particularly close to our heart, as the idea of equalising opportunities for people at risk of social exclusion and helping those in difficult life situations is embedded in the objectives of our own LPP Foundation. Every year, we provide financial and in-kind support to organisations that offer support to people from various social groups. Driven by our belief that even the smallest action can contribute to positive change, we were keen to get involved in the “Wardrobe Full of Goodness” project. All the more so because it addresses not only social issues, but also environmental ones, which occupy an important place in our organisation’s mission – concludes Patrycja Zbytniewska, LPP’s social projects leader.
LPP is a Polish family business and one of the fastest growing clothing companies in the region of Central and Eastern Europe. For 30 years, it has been successfully operating in Poland and abroad, offering its collections in such prestigious capitals as London, Helsinki or Tel Aviv. LPP SA manages five fashion brands: Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito, and Sinsay, whose offer is available today in stationary and online stores in nearly 40 markets worldwide. Spółka posiada sieć ponad 1700 salonów o łącznej powierzchni 1,4 mln m2 i każdego roku dystrybuuje odzież oraz akcesoria na 3 kontynenty. LPP also plays an important role as it employs over 24 thousand people in its offices and sales structures in Poland, Europe, Asia, and Africa. The company is listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in the WIG20 index and belongs to the prestigious MSCI Poland index.