CR 06/2016 Notification of change in the total number of votes at the Annual General Meeting of the Issuer
Notification of change in the total number of votes at the Annual General Meeting of the Issuer
Current report no: 06/2016
Date: 29.01.2016
The Management Board of LPP SA with its registered office in Gdansk (the” Issuer “) informs that on 29 January 2016 it received a notification from one of the members of the Issuer’s Supervisory Board, drawn up pursuant to Art. 160(1) sub-paragraph 1 of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments of 29 July 2005 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 94, as amended) in conjunction with § 2.1 and 5 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance dated 15 November 2005 on the disclosure of information on certain transactions in financial instruments and principles of making a list of persons having access to certain confidential information (Journal of Laws No 229, item 1950), of donating 1 (one) registered share in the Issuer’s share capital on 4 September 2015. The agreement was concluded without any payment.