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CR 07/2023 Subscription Closure

Current report no: 07/2023
Date: 23.05.2023
Time: 14:06


The Management Board of LPP SA (further referred to as the ”Issuer”) informs of the closure of the private subscription of 949 ordinary bearer shares of the M series of the nominal value of PLN 2 per share. The subscription has been carried out following the procedure set forth in Article 432 § 2 subparagraph 1 of the Commercial Companies Code (private subscription), i.e. by way of conclusion of a share subscription agreement, incorporating the offer made by the Issuer to eligible persons under § 1 subparagraph 6 of resolution no 23 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LPP SA of 29 June 2021, § 2 subparagraph 1 of resolution no 22 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of LPP SA of 29 June 2021 and § 2 of the resolution adopted by the Supervisory Board of LPP SA on 4 May 2023. In current report no 04/2023 of 8 May 2023, the Issuer informed on the increase of the share capital following the issuance of shares as part of the authorised capital under a relevant resolution of the Management  Board.


Detailed information on the subscription carried out are given below:

1) date of opening and closing the subscription – the share subscription offer was made to eligible persons on 9 May 2023; offers were accepted and share subscription agreements signed on 10 May 2023;

2) securities allocation date – shares were subscribed to upon conclusion of the agreement on 10 May 2023;

3) number of securities to be subscribed to – 949 ordinary bearer shares of the M series;

4) reduction rate per tranche – there was no reduction (all shares offered were subscribed to);

5) number of securities subscribed to under the subscription – 949 ordinary bearer shares of the M series;

6) number of securities allocated under the subscription – 949 ordinary bearer shares of the M series;

7) price at which securities were subscribed to – PLN 2;

8) number of persons subscribing to securities under the subscription (i.e. those who accepted share subscription offers) – 5 persons;

9) number of persons to whom securities were allocated under the subscription (i.e. those with whom share subscription agreements were concluded) – 5 persons;

10) no sub-issuers;

11) value of the subscription carried out, understood as a product of the number of securities offered and their issue price – PLN 1,898;

12) value of total costs credited as issue costs – the issue involved no costs;

13) average cost of carrying out the subscription, attributed to a single security under the subscription – PLN 0;

14) manner of payment for securities subscribed to – shares have been paid for (in cash) by bank transfers to the Issuer’s bank account.