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CR 10/2018 The information on dividend

The information on dividend  

Current report no.: 10/2018

Date: 25.05.2018, 14:08

The Management Board of LPP SA announces that on 25 May 2018 the Annual General Meeting adopted resolution no. 21 on the distribution of profit for the financial year 2017, under which the net profit generated by the Company in the financial year 2017 in the amount of PLN 493 427 050.71 (four hundred ninety three millions four hundred twenty seven thousand fifty zloty 71/100) was allocated as follows:

1. PLN 73 342 480 (seventy three million three hundred forty two thousand four hundred and eighty Polish zlotys) to be divided among the shareholders as dividend,

2. the remaining net profit amounting to PLN 420 084 570. 71 (four hundred twenty million eighty four thousand five hundred and seventy Polish zlotys 71/100) to be excluded from division and allocated for the Company’s supplementary capital.

The Annual General Meeting of LPP SA resolved that:

1.     the dividend date (date of establishing the list of shareholders entitled to the dividend) is 24 August 2018,

2.     the dividend payment date is 14 September 2018.

As at the date of the resolution: one share of LPP SA accounts for the dividend of PLN 40.00, the number of LPP SA shares entitled to dividend is 1 833 445.

At the same time, the Management Board of LPP SA indicates that, as part of the incentive programme adopted by Resolution no 21 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 19 June 2017, if the Supervisory Board passes a relevant resolution, LPP SA will offer the participants of the incentive programme (managing officers) the acquisition from the Company of 117 shares in LPP SA in total (from treasury shares). If the said rights are exercised before the dividend date, 117 shares will be attached with the right to a dividend. However, the above will not affect the dividend’s value per share (PLN 40.00).