CR 14/2014 Annex to the significant agreement
Annex to the significant agreement
Current report no.: 14/2014
Date: 23.06.2014
The Management Board of LPP SA announces that on 23 June 2014 the Company signed an annex to the multi purpose facility agreement entered into on 24 June 2005 between LPP SA and PKO BP SA.
Under the annex, the facility limit was increased to PLN 230 million, and the current period of use of the facility line was extended to 23 June 2017, provided that the overdraft will be extended for successive annual periods.
The total limit of PLN 230 million may be used in the form of facilities up to the amount of PLN 230 million, in the form of letters of credit up to the amount of PLN 230 million, and in the form of guarantees up to the amount of PLN 230 million.
The line collateral is the blank promissory note of LPP SA and the statement of submission to execution.
The agreement was entered into on arm’s length basis.
The value of the agreement exceeds 10% of equity capital of LPP SA.