CR 14/2022 Dividend information
Dividend information
Current report no: 14/2022
Date: 19.04.2022
Time: 5:15 p.m.
The Management Board of LPP SA informs that, on 19 April 2022, it adopted a resolution in which it decided to recommend to the Supervisory Board of LPP SA and the Ordinary General Meeting of LPP SA that a dividend should be paid from the net profit for the financial year from 1 February 2021 to 31 January 2022, in the amount of PLN 350 PLN per share, and that the dividend date (i.e. the day of compiling the list of shareholders eligible to be paid a dividend) should be set for 30 May 2022 and, furthermore, that the dividend in question should be paid in two equal instalments (each PLN 175 per share):
– the first instalment on 6 June 2022;
– the second instalment on 30 August 2022.