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CR 15/2023 Conditional Registration of Shares in the National Depository of Securities

Current report no: 15/2023
Date: 12.06.2023
Time: 2:51 p.m.

The Management Board with its registered office in Gdańsk (”Issuer”) informs that, today, it has been notified that, on 7 June 2023, the National Securities Depository made a statement on conclusion with the Company of the agreement on the registration in the depository of securities encompassing 949 ordinary bearer shares of the M series, of the nominal value of PLN per share (”Shares”), under code ISIN PLLPP0000011. The registration is conditional on the introduction of the shares to trading on the regulated market of Giełda Papierów Wartościowych SA in Warsaw (Warsaw Stock Exchange).

The shares will be registered in the securities depository within 3 days from the receipt by Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych SA in Warsaw of the decision on introduction of the Shares to trading on the regulated market, not earlier, however, than on the day specified in the said decision as the date of introducing the Shares to trading.