CR 18/2018 Information on the dividend
Information on the dividend
Current report no: 18/2018
Date: 17 August 2018
Hour: 14:48
With reference to CR 10/2018 of 25 May 2018, the Management Board of LPP SA informs that, as part of the incentive scheme adopted by Resolution no 21 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 19 June 2017, following the adoption of a resolution by the Supervisory Board of LPP SA on 11 May 2018, an offer has been made to participants of the incentive scheme (senior management officers), involving the exercise of their rights to acquire from the Company, in total, 117 shares in LPP SA (constituting part of treasury shares). Those shares were acquired by the participants of the incentive scheme on 16 August 2018 and, therefore, they acquired the right to receive the dividend (with the dividend date falling on 24 August 2018). Despite the acquisition of the said right, the additional 117 shares will not affect the value of the dividend per share (PLN 40.00).