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CR 20/2019 – Issuance by LPP of bonds of A series

Issuance by LPP of bonds of A series

Current report no: 20/2019

Date: 12 December 2019

Time: 15:58


The Management Board of LPP SA with its registered office in Gdańsk (the”Issuer“) informs that, on 12 December 2019, the Issuer issued 300,000 unsecured bearer bonds of A series (ISIN code: PLLPP0000060) of the nominal value of PLN 1,000 per bond, of the total nominal value of PLN 300 mln (“Bonds“).


Bonds have been issued on the following terms and conditions:

1. Date of subscription commencement and completion:

Subscription commencement date: 22 November 2019.

Subscription completion date: 26 November 2019.

2. Date of allocation of debt instruments:

The initial allocation of Bonds, constituting their allocation in the meaning of the Bonds Act of 15 January 2015, took place on 27 November 2019.

The final allocation of Bonds took place on the date of Bonds registration in Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych, i.e. on 12 December 2019.

3. Number of debt instruments subscribed to or sold:

300 thousand Bonds.

4. Reduction rate in individual tranches in the event where, in even a single tranche, the number of allocated debt instruments was smaller than the number of securities subscribed to:

As part of the subscription procedure, there were no reductions in Bonds allocated.

5. Number of debt securities allocated as part of the subscription or sale procedure:

As part of the subscription procedure, 300 thousand Bonds were allocated.

6. Price at which debt securities were acquired (taken up):

The issue price of a single Bond was PLN 1 thousand.

7. Number of entities which subscribed to debt securities subject to subscription or sale in individual tranches:

As part of Bonds subscription procedure, forms of acceptance of the proposal to acquire Bonds were submitted by 66 entities (including sub-funds). The Bonds issue was not divided into any tranches.

8. Number of entities to which debt securities were allocated as part of the subscription or sale procedure in individual tranches:

As part of the subscription procedure, Bonds were allocated to 66 entities (including sub-funds). The Bonds issue was not divided into any tranches.

9. (Business) names of underwriters which subscribed to debt securities in performance of underwriting agreements, with a specification of the number of securities they subscribed to and the actual price of a single debt instrument (issue or sale price, after deduction of a consideration for taking up a single debt instrument in performance of an underwriting agreement, acquired by an underwriter):

Not applicable. The Issuer concluded no underwriting agreements.

10. Total value of costs recognised as issue costs, divided by title:

– preparation and conducting of the offer, including the costs of advisory services: approx. PLN 611 thousand net;

– remuneration of individual underwriters: PLN 0;

– drawing up of an information notice, including the costs of advisory services: PLN 0 net;

– offer promotion: PLN 8,071.

11. Method of settling the above-mentioned costs in accounting books and the manner of their recognition in the Issuer’s financial statements:

Bonds issued constitute a financial obligation measured at amortised cost applying the effective interest rate method; the calculation of the effective interest rate comprises all commissions paid by the Issuer, constituting an integral part of the effective interest rate, as well as transaction costs which may be directly attributed to the activity involving the issuance of Bonds.


Legal grounds: Other regulations



Przemysław Lutkiewicz – Vice-President of the Management Board

Jacek Kujawa – Vice-President of the Management Board