CR 21/2018 Appointment of the entity authorised to audit financial statements
Appointment of the entity authorised to audit financial statements
CR no.: 21/2018
Date: 13.12.2018; 15:53
The Management Board of LPP SA (“the Company”) hereby announces that on 13 December 2018, the Supervisory Board of LPP SA, acting under section 35 of the Articles of Association of LPP SA and in accordance with applicable regulations, adopted a resolution on the appointment of the entity authorised to audit the Company’s financial statements.
The entity appointed under the resolution to audit and review separate financial statements of LPP SA and consolidated financial statements of LPP SA Group shall be Ernst & Young Audyt Polska Sp z o.o. spółka komandytowa its registered office in Warsaw, entered in the list of the National Council of Statutory Auditors under number 130.
In previous years, the Company used the services of Ernst & Young Audyt Polska Sp z o.o. spółka komandytowa (audit separate financial statements of LPP SA and consolidated financial statements of LPP SA for 2017 and 2018 and review separate financial statements of LPP SA and consolidated financial statements of LPP SA for 1H2017, 1H2018).
The Supervisory Board of LPP SA has authorised the Management Board to enter into, with the above-mentioned entity, an agreement for the audit of the annual financial statements of the Company and the Group for three accounting years (period from 01.01.2019 till 31.01.2022).