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CR 22/2022 Shareholders representing at least 5% of votes at the AGM of LPP SA as at 20 May 2022

Shareholders representing at least 5% of votes at the AGM of LPP SA as at 20 May 2022


Current report no.: 22/2022

Date: 20.05.2022

Time: 03:20 p.m.


The Management Board of LPP SA announces the list of shareholders holding more than 5% of votes at the AGM as at 20 May 2022:

1) Semper Simul Foundation 1,970,039 votes representing 76.78% of votes at the AGM and 60.57% of the total number of votes,

3) NATIONALE-NEDERLANDEN OFE 142,000 votes representing 5.53% of votes at the AGM and 4.37% of the total number of votes