CR 34/2016 The information on dividend
The information on dividend
Current report no.: 34/2016
Date: 17.06.2016
The Management Board of LPP SA announces that on 17 June 2016 the Annual General Meeting adopted resolution no. 21 on the distribution of profit for the financial year 2015, under which the net profit generated by the Company in the financial year 2015 in the amount of PLN 344.347.475,66 (three hundred and forty four million three hundred forty seven thousand four hundred and seventy five zloty 66/100) was allocated as follows:
1. PLN 59 935 557.00 (fifty nine million nine hundred thirty five thousand five hundred and fifty seven zloty) to be allocated among the shareholders as a dividend,
2. exclude PLN 276 911 918.66 (two hundred seventy six million nine hundred eleven thousand nine hundred and eighteen zloty 66/100) from allocation among the shareholders and allocate it as reserve capital of the Company,
3. exclude PLN 7 500 000 (seven million five hundred thousand zloty) from allocation among the shareholders and allocate it as reserve capital of the Company established by Resolution No. 21 of the Annual General Meeting of the Company of 17 June 2016 to accumulate the resources for the purpose stipulated in Article 362 § 2(3) of the Commercial Companies Code.
The Annual General Meeting of LPP SA resolved that:
1. the dividend date (date of establishing the list of shareholders entitled to the dividend) is 5 September 2016,
2. the dividend payment date is 21 September 2016.
As at the date of the resolution: one share of LPP SA accounts for the dividend of PLN 33.00, the number of LPP SA shares entitled to dividend is 1,816,229.
At the same time, the Management Board of LPP SA indicates that under Resolutions No. 21 and 22 of the AGM of 27 June 2011, the Company issued 21,300 Warrants issued in exchange for which the Eligible Persons shall have the right to purchase L Series Shares out of which 17 216 Warrants remained to be converted.
Where the above-mentioned rights are exercised on or before dividend date, the amount per share shall amount PLN 31.62.