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CR 36/2020 Notification on the change in the total number of votes

Notification on the change in the total number of votes

Current report no: 36/2020

Date: 19 November 2020

Time: 12:30


The Management Board of LPP SA (further referred to as Issuer, Company) informs that, on 19 November 2020, the Company has received notifications under Article 69 of the Public Offering Act from:

  • the Sky Foundation on the decrease of the direct share in the total number of votes in the Company due to the sale (by way of an in-kind contribution) 175,000 B-series registered shares preferred in terms of votes in the Company, held by the Sky Foundation and giving right to 875,000 votes at the General Meeting (“Shares”) to SKY SPV Limited;
  • SKY SPV Limited on the increase of the share in the total number of votes in the Company due to the purchase of Shares.

Following the above-mentioned transaction, the Sky Foundation holds directly 51,338 ordinary bearer shares in LPP SA, constituting 2.77% of share capital of LPP SA and giving right to 51,338 votes at the General Meeting, which constitutes 1.58% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting.

Furthermore, the Sky Foundation holds indirectly, through SKY SPV Limited, 175,000 registered preference shares in LPP SA, constituting 9.45% of the share capital of LPP SA and giving right to 875,000 votes at the General Meeting, which constitutes 26.90% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting.

In total, directly and indirectly, the Sky Foundation holds 226,338 shares in LPP SA, constituting 12.22% of the share capital of LPP SA and giving right to 926,338 votes at the General Meeting, which constitutes 28.48% of the total number of votes at the General Meeting.

The Company encloses the following notifications hereto:

– notification from the Sky Foundation;

– notification from SKY SPV Limited.