We are committed to transforming our business and changing the way fashion collections are produced, consumed, and used.

Since 2018, we have been measuring greenhouse gas emissions along the entire value chain from the moment of material sourcing, through production, transport, and use by our customers. As a result, we are aware of our greatest environmental impact and which areas require our biggest attention.
Following the Paris Agreement, which calls for the fight against global warming, we are striving to gradually minimise the pressure of our business on natural resources.
To this end, acting in line with scientific guidelines but also the global environmental goals of the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” adopted by UN member states, in our operations we implement solutions seeking to successively reduce our emissions and regularly monitor the progress of these measures.

In 2021, we independently calculated our carbon footprint in all three scopes in accordance with the GHG Protocol guidelines, defining the most carbon-intensive processes for that matter.
In doing so, we identified the areas requiring the most urgent changes that will, in turn, allow us to make a real contribution to reducing the rate of increase in the Earth’s average temperature above 1.5°C over pre-industrial levels.

In 2022, we were the first Polish apparel company to join the global Science Based Targets initiative, supporting the private sector in efforts to combat global warming. We have developed detailed decarbonisation goals that have undergone professional scientific assessment according to the SBTi methodology.
In 2023, our targets were reviewed and approved by SBTi. We committed to implementing a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. The certificate we obtained confirms that our assumptions are in line with the provisions of the Paris Agreement and contribute to the aim of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

In the presented SBTi decarbonisation plan, we committed to:
• reducing greenhouse gas emissions in scopes 1 and 2 by 42% by 2030 compared to the 2021 baseline. Achieving this goal will involve further decarbonisation of the energy network, transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing energy consumption, and making changes to our vehicle fleet.
• limiting emissions resulting from the purchase of goods and services included in scope 3 by 51.6% by 2030, calculated per unit of purchased product (compared to 2021). To achieve these commitments, we will increase the share of certified raw materials needed for production, whose acquisition involves less environmental impact, and enhance engagement with suppliers to transition to renewable energy.
• engaging business partners responsible for 21% of emissions in scopes 4 and 8 of scope 3 to develop their own reduction targets by 2027.
Emission scopes | 01-2021- 02.2022 [t CO2e] | 01.2022- 02.2023 [t CO2e] | 01.2023- 02.2024 [t CO2e] |
Scope 1 (Direct GHG emissions (t CO2e)) | 4420.67 | 13762.35 | 3586.76 |
Scope 2 (Energy indirect GHG emissions (market-based) (t CO2e)) | 10267.11 | 7827.65 | 1723.80 |
Scope 2 (Energy indirect GHG emissions (location-based) (t CO2e)) | 11949.93 | 12734.28 | 10812.30 |
Scope 3 (Other indirect GHG emissions (t CO2e)) | 2865952.62 | 2460049.67 | 2786871.28 |
Emission categories | |||
Cat. 1 Raw materials and services purchased | 1892769.20 | 1605129.29 | 1902729.39 |
Cat. 2 Investment goods CAPEX | 197454.69 | 198798.33 | 182852.12 |
Cat. 3 Emissions related to consumption of energy and fuels (not included in scope 1 and 2) | 3555.63 | 5777.88 | 1179.38 |
Cat. 4 Transport and distribution of products purchased | 157610.94 | 132480.70 | 193459.06 |
Cat. 5 Waste generated in the course of activity | 385.10 | 400.13 | 470.72 |
Cat. 6 Business trips | 2390.09 | 3062.98 | 4146.30 |
Cat. 7 Employees commuting to work | 16319.17 | 16891.80 | 24793.64 |
Cat. 8 Assets leased – sales outlets | 388443.36 | 250730.09 | 163847.22 |
Cat. 9 Transport and distribution of products sold (e-commerce transport) | 26212.33 | 28959.62 | 28087.24 |
Cat. 10 Processing of products sold | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Cat. 11 Use of products sold | 146559.20 | 171358.99 | 228058.33 |
Cat. 12 Disposal of products sold | 32969.36 | 45179.33 | 56501.41 |
Cat. 13 Assets leased | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Cat. 14 Franchise | 1283.55 | 1280.54 | 746.47 |
Cat. 15 Investments | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Total (Scope 1. 2 and 3) | 2880640.39 | 2494 373.95 | 2802994.14 |
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