0 %

of cartons reused in Distribution Centres in Pruszcz Gdański and Brześć Kujawski in the 2023/24 financial year

0 %

of the energy used in our e-commerce stores comes from renewable sources

Strategic directions 2020-2025

Product and production


Launch of a programme to support suppliers in implementing practices that reduce the use of natural resources in the clothing manufacturing process


25% of garments produced by LPP are collections made from preferred materials


30% of suppliers in South Asia are factories that use technologies to reduce water and/or energy consumption in the garment manufacturing process


100% of jeans factories use technologies that reduce water and/or energy consumption in the garment production process


Clothing collection system in 100% of stores in Poland


1 million PLN for investment in new technologies allowing for recycling textile waste

2025In progress

50% of Reserved clothing made from preferred materials (i.e. organic, cellulose or recycled fibres)

In progress

CO2 emission reduction in line with the plan approved by SBTi.

Chemical safety


ZDHC membership

2025In progress

Full compliance with ZDHC standards

Plastic under control


100% recycled packaging for shipping Mohito and Reserved online orders without single-use plastic


100% recycled film for shipping online orders House, Cropp, Sinsay


50% reduction in use of single-use film for sales samples


100% foil-free price tags


100% recycled or certified cardboard boxes


100% recycled packaging in shops

2025In progress

100% of plastic used in packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable

HQ buildings and sales network


Implement an energy-saving programme in stores and solutions to reduce emissions


100% green energy to power our servers & online shops


All new buildings with environmental certification BREEAM

2025In progress

100% of shops participating in energy efficiency and low carbon programme


Quality education

  • We offer numerous development programmes and qualification opportunities for our employees.
  • We cooperate with universities to support the education of young designers and enable them to gain experience in the profession.
  •  We work to improve the education of children and young people in the municipalities where we invest.

Decent work and economic growth

  • We are one of the largest tax payers in Poland and the largest on the Polish coast. We support the development of local entrepreneurship.
  • We employ 29,930 people in Poland and abroad.
  • We implement good practices in the supply chain, contributing to respect for human and workers’ rights and improving safety and quality in the factories of our Asian suppliers.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • We are a fully omnichannel organisation, effectively integrating the stationary and e-commerce sales channels.
  • We are developing modern and diversified logistics facilities, including a network of distribution centres and Fulfillment Centres in strategic locations in Poland and abroad.
  • We are implementing solutions to improve supply chain management.

Reduced inequality

  • We have adopted the “LPP Group Policy on Diversity Management, Equal Treatment and Building a Culture of Inclusion”.
  • Almost 70% of the leadership and managerial positions in our company are held by women.
  • We hire employees with disabilities and offer them opportunities for professional development.
  • We ensure that human rights, labour rights and safety standards are respected by our suppliers.
  • Through the LPP Foundation we support people at risk of social exclusion.

Sustainable cities and communities

  • We work for the development of Gdansk and Krakow and the districts where our premises are located.
  • We respond to the needs of the local communities in which we operate.
  • We are an active participant in the social life of the Brześć Kujawski and Jasionka municipalities, focusing on supporting the education of its youngest inhabitants.

Responsible consumption and production

  • We are systematically increasing the share of preferred materials in our brand collections.
  • We conduct quality controls in the supply chain.
  • We joined ZDHC, which controls, among other things, the chemicals used in the production process and the post-production water.
  • We collect used clothing in Poland and give it a second life by donating it to those in need.
  • We have joined both CmiA and Canopy, the latter an organisation with projects implementing cultivation practices to help effectively manage natural resources
  • We are implementing telemetry tools in showrooms to monitor energy consumption.

Climate action

  • GHG emissions by the LPP Group in scope 1 and 2 decreased by more than 70%, year on year.
  • Our decarbonisation goals have been scientifically verified and approved by the international Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative. They include a plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in categories that most significantly contribute to our carbon footprint.
  • Electricity use in the office buildings decreased by 18% in 2023.
  • We are investing in solutions that reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with our operations and enable the use of renewable energy.

Partnerships to achieve the goal

  • We are the first Polish clothing company to join international initiatives that work towards a significant reduction of environmental impact.
  • We are a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest initiative bringing together companies working for sustainable development. We are committed to the principles set out by the UN Global Compact.
