Own projects

The LPP Foundation engages and changes the surrounding reality through original projects aimed primarily at children and young people.

Coffee with a little kindness

You can add milk or sugar to your coffee, but at LPP offices you can also add a note of kindness. Each mug and cup bought for a symbolic amount in our offices contributes to the LPP Foundation account. In the first quarter of 2024, we have already raised more than PLN 250,000. The funds will support the ITAKA Foundation's Youth Helpline.

Fashion for a better start

It is our proprietary social programme addressed to the wards of children’s homes of the Gdańsk Foundation for Social Innovation, “Rodzinny Gdańsk” Foundation and “Ogniska Nadziei” Foundation. In October 2023, "Towarzystwo Nasz Dom" from Cracow joined the program. Thanks to our support, 278 wards of Gdańsk organisations have been given the chance to develop their skills and passions, and have a better start in adulthood.

Christmas support for employees

Since 2017, we have been supporting our employees through the Festive Season Employee Support Programme, which is aimed at employees and their immediate family members, i.e. spouse/partner and children. Thanks to financial support from the LPP Foundation, employees and loved ones can secure further rehabilitation and treatment.

LPP TEAM for Kids

Our employees – not only those who are members of the LPP Team gathering sports enthusiasts – every year support a sports charity action, whereby the LPP Foundation converts kilometres registered through cycling or running throughout the year into zlotys.

First Fitting

Since 2017, as part of the “First Fitting” („Pierwsza Przymiarka”) project, we have been helping young people from children’s homes to learn about working in our industry and catch the fashion bug. We have been giving them the opportunity to gain first experiences on the labour market – so important once they start their independent lives.